
logo & package design for aromatherapy bottles


kh said...

i didn't get that it was "poor me." if you hadn't told me, i don't think i would have gotten that. i showed it to my friend who was sitting with me at the time (not a graphic person at all) and she didn't get the "poor me" aspect either. she also thought it was alcohol at first.

baby aka mayumi said...

I myself buy oils for aromatherapy.

"pour me" is kinda nice name + shape, i didn't mentioned poor. more for Alice in Wonderland.

I wonder this might gift item, clean looks as like now is great, then, they could have more positive sent name to give someone, maybe?
also, If gift purpose, you might can add tint of colors w water suit to each one would be nice.

dilhan kushan said...

Mayumi had a great point there about the "drink me" bottles in Alice in Wonderland. the fact that the name doesn't evoke the "poor me" connotation may be a good thing. people may not want to buy and use something that says "self pity" so overtly, even though I appreciate the joke.

in terms of the execution, I thought the shapes of the bottles are interesting although I can't tell how big they are. I think that is why karen and her friend thought of them as alcohol bottles first. if you intend to include these in your portfolio, you may want to include a scale reference in the photography. the clear sticker works pretty well too. I am curious to know what kind of material you used. a touch of color, Mayumi's suggestion, may be nice indeed. overall, I like it but I was also thinking if it could give it a more personal touch if you used hand lettering. you could do it more flowing that way. and you could play on 60s, 70s psychedelic typography. it would fit it well conceptually.